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10 Benefits of GPS Tracking in Law Enforcement

November 26th, 2018
10 Benefits of GPS Tracking in Law Enforcement

Since many years law enforcement teams have been using many tracking technologies depending upon their requirements.

But GPS tracking stands out from all other as it is the most reliable as well as the most affordable one.

Law enforcement officers can use this even in the remote areas and can also monitor the behaviour of team from a distance if necessary.

Having GPS tracking can help the officers in doing their job more accurately.

Still, having doubt about GPS tracking, then here we are shedding 10 benefits of GPS tracking in law enforcement.

Real-time Location – This technology enables dispatchers to identify the closest officer in case a call comes in.

Suspect Tracking – With the help of GPS trackers the time-consuming process of tracking a suspect can be successfully made with more efficiency.

GPS Tracking for InvestigationsGPS tracking provides a highly successful method of suspect tracking.

Object Tracking –GPS is often used to track shipments, packages, and other materials as part of the investigation.

Immediate Assistance – In case an officer is injured, GPS tracking will help the officer to receive immediate assistance even if he or she is unable to call for help.

Historical Data – GPS helps in retrieving historical tracking data such as movement status and vehicle idle duration, which could become invaluable evidence.

Updates During Pursuits – While monitoring vehicles during a pursuit, tactical decisions can be made while on the go. During the multi-vehicle pursuit, the whole team can see where the rest of the vehicles are located.

Geo Location –Real-time mapping with GPS enhances call for back up support to know where they are headed and enables the team to arrive where it is needed at the right time.

Geo Fencing – Spatial fences or virtual perimeters can be digitally set to restrict assets and people under house arrest to a prescribed geographic region With Alerts for breaching the set perimeter.

Paperless Reports – GPS tracking solutions generates digital reports so that supervisors can view the data in an easy-to-read format.

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